Helping commercial real estate investors and professionals succeed since 2004.
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Student success stories:
Real students. Real results.
Real Student Testimonials: "Trevor's passion for teaching and helping others, it comes through in what he does. He's a motivator and I appreciate everything that he's done for me."
Case Study: In less than one year, Satyam went from zero real estate holdings to owning 27 units.
"I didn’t even know what the possibilities were before taking Trevor’s course... He's a motivator, and I appreciate everything that he's done for me” - Jeff S.
" The level of detail and the way that Trevor teaches these courses is very digestible, letting people learn at the pace they need to learn." - Deniz A.
" Trevor is really charismatic in the way that he teaches and he has some stories that will really stick in your brain. He has that real life experience" - Monique L.
" Everything I learned about real estate, I learned from his course. It's like no other. I looked all over for something like this, and and I luckily found it." - Michelle S.
Case Study: Chris went from 18 units to 90 units, with no money out of pocket, after learning how to optimize leverage with Trevor's guidance.
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Self-Paced Courses
Master proven strategies at your own pace with structured video lessons, ready-made templates, and step-by-step training—on your schedule.
Training in real estate finance and investments to prepare real estate investors who want to acquire commercial multifamily (5+units) and other commercial real estate investment properties.
Certification program designed to prepare new and aspiring real esttate agents for success in Commercial Real Estate Investment Sales. Modeled after the in-house training at the top national brokerage firms.
Everything you need to start originating your own commercial mortgage loans, agency loans, SBA, and other commercial financing products, on your own or with a major national lender or mortgage brokerage.